Principal: Mrs Kathy McGeeney
Deputy Principal: Ms Anne Brennan
Church Road, Bagenalstown
Phone: 059 972 1021
Deputy Principal: Ms Anne Brennan
Church Road, Bagenalstown
Phone: 059 972 1021
The present school was built in 1968 as a modern two teacher school with 50 pupils on roll. This building replaced the original granite school which is a preserved building and now serves as the Parochial Hall.
Kilgreaney National School 1930
Front L to R Benny Corrigan, Robbie Hatton, Theo Young, Loftus O’Neill, Abe Corrigan,
Billy O’Neill
Middle L to R Florrie Young, Olive O’Neill, Doreen O’Neill, Violet Ashmore,
Gladys Pritchard, Emily Young, Una Hatton, Peggy O’Neill
Back L to R Florrie Hatton (Teacher) Billy Hatton, Joe Cleere, Bertie Ashmore,
Clarence Corrigan, Jackie O’Neill, Rev Archdeacon Beecher